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Talking about the daily maintenance method of high temperature heat pump

High temperature heat pump in the long-term operation process will appear aging and failure, maintenance can reduce the failure rate of the equipment and improve the service life of the equipment, which maintain the lubrication of the equipment is one of the important maintenance.

High temperature heat pump if the temperature is too high, the load is too large, subjected to vibration impact, or improper selection of lubricants, insufficient addition, lubricant failure and other reasons, the metropolitan will cause damage to the boundary lubrication film, resulting in increased wear, greatly shortening the use time of high temperature heat pump, and even lead to damage to high temperature heat pump, high temperature heat pump many failures are due to the boundary lubrication is not in place caused by. Therefore, the lubrication of the boundary of high temperature heat pump is also very important.


1. Reasonable selection of lubricants: According to the working temperature of the boundary oil film of the high temperature heat pump, the size of the load and whether it is working at extreme pressure, the appropriate lubricating oil varieties and additives should be selected to improve the lubrication characteristics of the boundary film.

2, reduce the surface roughness: the real pressure of the boundary film on the metal surface of the high temperature heat pump is related to the surface state of the metal. The greater the friction-surface roughness is, the smaller the real contact area is. Under the same load, the pressure at the contact is large, and the boundary film is easy to be crushed. Reducing the roughness can increase the real contact area, reduce the pressure of the load on the oil film, and make the boundary film not easy to break.

3. Use new lubricating materials such as solid lubricating materials to change the lubrication method.

High temperature heat pump manufacturer Guangzhou Colant Co., Ltd. has many years of high temperature heat pump production experience, through the continuous improvement and upgrading of high temperature heat pump, reduce the amount of equipment maintenance and maintenance, more convenient for users to operate and control, in addition, after the user signs the purchase contract, The installation personnel will come to your site to guide the installation of the site design and train the operator, inform the equipment in the future operation need to pay attention to the place and how to maintain the future.

Address:Zone B, Happy Industrial Park, Xinji Village, Nancun Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou
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